
The DWZ (German rating system) was introduced in Germany in 1991/1992. The DWZ replaced the rating system Ingo-System of the German Chess Federation of the FRG and the NWZ-System (National Rating Number) of the German Chess Federation of the DDR.

DWZ Calculator

Calculation of DWZ
How do I get my DWZ now? Players who do not have a DWZ must play against at least 5 opponents who have a DWZ. After that the DWZ can be calculated.

For players who already have a DWZ, an opponent with a DWZ is sufficient for the own DWZ to be updated.

DWZ - Formulas

The following formulas and tables were used in our DWZ calculator.

Basic formulas

Rn = new DWZ after evaluation
Ro = old DWZ before the tournament

We = Expectation of points in the tournament
W   = Points scored in the tournament

E = Evolution coefficient
n = Number of lots that can be valued

Evolution coefficient

J = 5   | for young people up to 20 years
J = 10 | for juniors from 21 to 25 years
J = 15 | for all players over 25 years old

The ELO number is a method for evaluating the playing strength of chess players. It was developed by Arpad Elo, a Hungarian-American physicist and chess player, in the 1960s. The ELO number is now widely used not only in chess, but also in other mental sports and competitions.

Player ELO number in FIDE